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Here To Inspire: Part III – Making Meaningful Life Changes

I hope you have enjoyed my previous articles on, “Discovering Your Destiny” and “Overcoming Fear.” I hope both articles have served to get you on track with living a life full of inspiration. At this point, you should be ready to work through the next phase, “Making Meaningful Life Changes.”

In this phase, it’s important you reflect and ask yourself, “What am I actively doing that will lead me to my destiny?” and, “And are these activities important to me?”

There’s no better feeling than waking up everyday knowing you are actively doing things that fulfill your life’s purpose. You genuinely can’t wait to get your day started and openly look forward to all the exciting things the day will bring. You step into the day knowing this is the day that will get you closer to your dream.

Here’s how to begin making meaningful life changes:

List What’s Important To You

Write down the top 5 things that you believe are the essence of how you want to live life. This can include things like spending more time with family and friends, eating healthy, and being more active. It could also include more personal development changes like being more open to trying new things and living a simpler life.

I remember reflecting on my life and coming up with my very own list. I knew that I wanted to live a happy and healthy life. I was able to create a list of all the things that would help me achieve that goal. My list helped me discover that I would need to make significant life-changing decisions. One of those life-changing decisions involved relocating.

My list made it clear to me that the things I enjoyed doing were not attainable in my current place of residence. I wanted to live a holistic, healthy lifestyle filled with healthy food options, abundant outdoor activities (inclusive of a lot of sunshine) where I could also explore new things and meet new people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Not only was it important for me to have all of this and more personally, but I also wanted it professionally. I believed that this would be the kind of life in which I would be most happy and healthy.

Pursue Your Passion

Once my list was completed, it became easy for me to identify the steps needed to make my dream a reality. I believe this step can be easy for you too.

Remember, this is not your typical “to-do” list. Those can feel like chores, or activities you feel obligated to do. This is different. This list is about your passion. Reference your list and decide for yourself that you are going to take the required steps of fulfilling your passion.

The key to embracing this list is understanding that you deserve to be happy. Happiness and fulfillment are what make life worth living, and pursuing your passion is what gives your life true meaning and purpose. Working on the things you love will create joy inside you like nothing else.

If you find completing this list to be a daunting task, then the process will be easier if you set goals.

Set Daily Goals

Setting goals is important if you have no idea where to start. Before you start your day in the morning, create a list of 3 goals that you find fulfilling and meaningful. Make sure they tie into your purpose. Tackle the hardest things first. Don’t make the list too long. By focusing on too many things, you may feel overwhelmed and find yourself not wanting to accomplish any of your goals. By trying to do less, you’ll end up doing more and you’ll find that you actually enjoy it! So, pick one thing at a time and slowly incorporate the ideas into your life.

As an additional tip, try to align your goals with things you are passionate about. This will create an intrinsic drive to work hard and do well.

By doing these 3 things you are well on your way to making meaningful life changes.

Throughout this entire process of discovering your destiny, overcoming fear, and making meaningful life changes, the most important thing to remember is, “Life is about the journey, not the destination.” Living a life of purpose will bring fulfillment and meaning to your life.

Please join me for the next article, “Enjoying the Journey.” And as always, “Thank you for reading!”

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