Person on the edge of a cliff with their hands up.

Here to Inspire: Part I – Discover Your Destiny

The message on the door of my office at Payscout International Headquarters in Sherman Oaks, CA, reads: #Heretoinspire.

In my experiences as a Human Resources professional, I’ve been blessed to work with many people to find inspiration in their working and professional lives. It is the best part of my job. As we all know, our professional lives have a way of aligning with our personal lives. This blog is an expression of my personal calling to help people to discover their destiny inside and outside of the workplace.

I’ve learned that the key to finding and living a life full of inspiration is 1) discovering your destiny, 2) overcoming fear, 3) making meaningful lifestyle changes, and 4) enjoying the journey. In subsequent blog posts, we’ll be exploring topics 2, 3, and 4, but it all starts with topic #1, discovering your destiny.

One of my favorite expressions is, “Everything you need is already inside of you.” We have all been blessed with our own unique gifts. For many of us, we often ignore or undervalue those gifts. Perhaps we’re spending too much time comparing ourselves to others, or doubting our own aptitude, but living a life of inspiration has to start with time spent reflecting on these gifts.

Recognize your gifts.

Take some time to think about your gifts. What traits do you notice about yourself that you feel comfortable or confident doing? What behaviors have your family or friends pointed out as your talents? In other words, what are you naturally good at doing?

Identify what you love to do … and do it well.

Be honest with yourself in terms of what you love to do versus what you are good at doing. You may love playing basketball, but that doesn’t mean your destiny is to be a WNBA player (but it could be coaching, training, etc.)! We have to find those things we enjoy and do very well.

For example, in one of my first professional experiences working for a bank, I quickly rose to the level of manager but felt unsatisfied; I wanted something more meaningful and was ready for a new challenge. I considered going back to graduate school – or choosing a new career path altogether. My grandmother, whom I affectionately call Grandy, recommended I list out all of the things I liked and disliked about the management position. In this exercise, I realized all of the things I loved aligned with the Human Resources profession – because they all related to helping others.

Apply personal gifts to professional pursuits.

This exercise helped me decide to apply to graduate school at The Ohio State University and pursue a degree in Human Resources (Master of Labor and Human Resources). This pursuit kick-started a career in the HR profession, which allows me to inspire people every day.

You, too, can have a career that reflects what you love to do and highlights your unique gifts. It all begins with a little bit of reflection and the creative application of your gifts to professional pursuits.

Remember, discovering your destiny is only the beginning! There’s more to learn on this journey. Join me for Here to Inspire: Part 2 – Overcoming Fear.

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