Ebony watching the sunset near the ocean.

Be Mindful.

Throughout your day pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgement or believing there’s a right or wrong way to think or feel in a given moment. Take time to be more open and aware so you can gain the insight that is needed to move toward the next step of improving your words and your actions towards others. This focus will help to support the overall well-being of everyone as you journey through both your professional and personal lives. Provided are just a few nuggets to help guide you.

Handle with Care

We are special in our own way. Everybody you meet has something wonderful to offer. That “something wonderful” may come in many different forms…love, kindness, time or maybe even an opportunity. Given how special we are it is important that we honor one another as such. You can’t treat people just any old kind of way…all people no matter what, deserve to be treated properly…with dignity and respect. Be conscious of your words, actions and decisions and also be considerate, kind, compassionate and generous. You don’t know what people may be going through. And you never know, you may need that very person one day too.

Seek to Understand 

We walk this earth surrounded by so many different people. People who come from various walks of life. Everyone’s cultural make-up changes from person to person. As you come across those who may be different from you, take an interest…learn about them. Ask questions, listen effectively, share experiences and celebrate your differences too. Don’t belittle people or shun them. Spend time with them, get to know them and try to understand why they do what they do. 

Be Honest

Honesty is the key to building trust. Honesty isn’t just about speaking the truth, but it is based on acting truthfully too. The quickest way to break trust is by being dishonest. If trust is violated remember not to compromise yourself to the level of the person that is being dishonest. In fact, challenge yourself to understand why dishonesty occurred. Perhaps, the person is not comfortable telling you the truth…are you judgmental or hard to talk to? Through your assessment you may discover that not only does the issue stem from them, but the issue may stem from you too.

Practice Forgiveness

When someone offends you it’s hard to forgive. It’s easier to resent them and seek vengeance. Going through such great lengths ultimately harms you instead of them. When you don’t forgive you stunt your own growth which limits you from moving towards the exciting things that are ahead. Don’t stand in your own way because of your bitterness. Your time and talent should be put to better use of drawing you closer to the energy and things that are intended for you.  

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