Four people jumping from joy near a cliff

Be Great!

Greatness is on the other side of the risks you take. By taking a leap greatness can happen for you. To establish greatness a few things will need to take place. So, ask yourself: how far will you go to be great? Let’s talk through some of the things that will help guide you.

Take Ownership

We all know that if we want to achieve something then we have to do something. If your current actions aren’t giving you desired results, then change. Most people have excuses or blame others when things aren’t going their way. But change occurs when we start taking responsibly and stop making excuses. Be accountable and take ownership for the things that you want. Start saying, “it’s going to happen” and then take action. Once your thoughts and actions are in alignment then things will change. 

 Be Disciplined

Greatness is a gradual process. It’s not an event. It’s not a quick come up…it’s not even luck. Greatness will appear over time. This is where discipline comes into play. We live in a world filled with distractions where most want instant gratification. It’s important to stay focused and not become distracted by everything around you. Distractions waste your time and will hinder your steps. Stay focused on what you have to do to get things done. When you focus on what you want everything will fall into place and distractions will soon fade away.

 Fight for It 

Some will succeed because they are destined to but most succeed because they fight for what they want.  Achieving something significant requires you to be fearless. Recognize the giant that lives inside of you, so you can pursue what it is that you want. If nobody believes in what you are doing, you have to believe in yourself. Trust that you possess the capabilities to make greatness happen.  Be determined. Don’t allow fear to keep you from everything you’ve ever wanted.

 Hang with Great People

One day you look up and boom! You’ll realize that greatness isn’t just within you, but it’ll be all around you. To be great it’s also important to be surrounded by greatness. Surround yourself with great people…those who see your greatness and will support to enhance it. Spend time with people you admire and look up to in your life. This is a great resource for learning and motivation. Hang out with people who are dependable and reliable whom you admire.  Also, be sure to choose relationships that are based on respect and trust…make sure that their words match their actions.

Remove Limits

Be aware of your own perceived limits. There’s a subconscious that tells you your limits. Where we are in life is based on your invisible self-conscious limit. Be skeptical about the internal voice that places limits on you. Instead of giving into that voice use that voice as a challenge to see how far you can actually go. The next time you hear that voice respond by saying, “I don’t trust this level…I don’t believe it…There’s another level for me to get to…there’s more for me…I’m part of this life so I can be increased a thousand times more and I’m not going to settle for this level.”

As you work through every step of your journey, remember greatness is a process. So, don’t rush it! Enjoy all the various levels as you move throughout the changes. Put away the fear and activate the voice that will lead you towards your greatness. And be reminded that you were not put here to be mediocre, you were put here to be great!

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