person sitting coast side looking at the ocean

Here To Inspire: Part II – Overcoming Fear

In the first post of this series on inspiration, I addressed “Discovering Your Destiny.” In this second installment, I am going to explore how you can overcome the fears that might be keeping you from living a life full of inspiration. In subsequent blog posts, we’ll cover making meaningful lifestyle changes and enjoying the journey. I hope you enjoy!

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt destined to do and be something greater, but it seemed like something was holding you back? For many of us, this experience is likely the result of fear.

I remember many moments in my life where I allowed fear to take over. Some of these moments involved making career or life changes, and in those moments, my source of fear stemmed from worrying about what other people would think about my decision. It is in these moments where I learned to listen to my inner voice and trust that it would lead me to my destiny. These were the times in my life where fear could have prevented me from fulfilling my dreams and goals.

So how do you overcome this kind of obstructive fear? It starts with identification.

Understanding Fear

Fear can prevent us from fulfilling our destiny or achieving the things we want the most, but we can overcome fear if we truly understand it.

Fear isn’t always a bad thing. You may become fearful if an intruder enters your home or you encounter a dangerous animal. This kind of fear is useful. On the other hand, you may become fearful when there is absolutely no real threat of danger, such as taking on a new challenge at work or moving to a new city.

The challenge is understanding the difference between these two kinds of fear: useful and obstructive.

One way to identify the difference is by understanding where your fears come from. Ask yourself, “What created this fear?” Was it a comment a friend or family member made to you? Is it similar to an experience you had, or observed someone else experiencing? Sometimes, identifying the origin of the fear can help to address the fear to minimize it.

Confront Your Fear

Often times, we worry about things that are not real or that haven’t been verified (i.e. “I don’t want to speak in front of others because I’m not a good public speaker.”). Once we recognize and understand that this fear is obstructive rather than useful, it is time to confront this fear. Make it a challenge. For instance, if you are afraid to speak in public, challenge yourself to take on small speaking roles. The next time, take on a bigger role in front of a larger audience. Gain feedback from others and reflect on how it felt afterwards. You may find out that things aren’t as bad as they seem – and you’re better than you thought!

Instead of trying to get rid of fear we can learn how to confront it. Come up with constructive ways to keep fear from interfering with your dreams/goals. Decide what action is needed for you to overcome your fear. Start first by focusing more on your goals and dreams than on the obstacles associated with them. You will soon persevere despite your worries.

Use Your Support System

Recognize that help is all around you. It may be within your very own personal or professional network or help may be in the form of books, articles, or even this blog post! Most of all, the power to overcome your fears may rest in your beliefs/faith. Whatever that support system is, use it. You may find an array of benefits from these resources, especially among those who are currently working through their fears or who have even successfully overcome them.

Remember that it is all a process. So, don’t rush it. If you are less afraid today than you were yesterday – even if it wasn’t by much – celebrate it! Acknowledge your steps forward and the growth that comes along with it. By taking the time to read this post, you are another step closer to reaching your destiny. Don’t allow your fears to stop you from living a life full of inspiration!

Discovering your destiny and overcoming fear are key steps on the path to inspiration! There’s more to learn on this journey. Join me for Here to Inspire: Part 3 – Making Meaningful Lifestyle Changes.

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