The Power of Atmosphere…

Everything around you – the places, people, climate, energy, and more – is having an impact on your attitude and overall outlook on life.

Understanding and gaining control of the tangible and intangible things around you – what I call your Atmosphere – is one of the most immediate ways you can enact real change in your life.

Simply put, an atmosphere can either grow you or lower you. So let’s consider each of the atmospheric elements that you can control and start growing today.


These are physical places – your home, neighborhood, office building, grocery store etc. Make sure your location is reflective of your standards. There are some environments that are not conducive to a positive attitude. Your environment can and should cultivate the good that lives inside of you.

If your current environment doesn’t encourage or inspire you, then it’s time to move on to the next, a place that is better suited and inspirational for you. Take yourself to the places where you feel you can grow and thrive. 


People create atmosphere. Pay attention to the people with whom you spend most of your time. Consider their values, qualities, and behaviors. Remember that they are not only a reflection of you, but they can either inspire you to soar – or weigh you down. Choose to spend your time in the presence of people who help you grow.

Conscious Awareness:

Our thoughts, though internal, weigh heavily in the physical space around us. We have all seen and felt the difference in impact between a happy, joyful person entering a room, and a frustrated, angry person. The immediate energy we feel is determined by our thoughts, so take control of your thoughts. Don’t allow negativity and discouragement to overcome what you think about you. Practice regaining control of your thoughts and focusing on the positive. 


Words create an atmosphere. The language you choose to use within your environment will define it. Make it a point not to allow mediocrity in your conversations. Be conscious of the exchange in words and dialogue in an effort maintain excellence in your atmosphere. Recognize the rhythm, cadence and vibe in your life. If others can’t speak to the level of your vibe or frequency…walk away. Above all, don’t let anyone speak negativity over the inspiring life that your words bring. 


Your actions, above all, have the strongest impact on your atmosphere. If you are striving for excellence, then you must behave at the level of your own expectations. “You reap what you sow.” Sounds cliché, huh? But, it’s true. If you sow on the level of your expectation, then your return will mirror what you give. If you do big things, big things will come. You can’t expect a big ‘ole thing but do something small. Sow generously and watch the big things that follow.

Making these small changes in these powerful, atmosphere-defining aspects of your life, is one of the fastest ways to make a real change in your life.

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