Ebony spread his wings

Rule The Air Around You…

How often do you think about the space you’re in? I’m not just talking about your physical location (in an office, on a beach, at a restaurant, etc.), but your personal space.

Imagine sitting on the beach. Imagine the sound of the waves, the sunshine on your face, and a cool breeze of ocean air. If you really imagine the scene, I suspect you’ll feel a little less stressed, more relaxed, and just simply happy. You can conduct the same thought experiment in thinking about your personal space.

Think about the impact of your presence around others. How do they feel around you? Do they feel comfortable, relaxed, or seem like they enjoy being near you?

What is similar about these two examples is that both the beach (your physical location) and your presence (your physical space) have an impact on your emotions and the people around you. The energy we exude creates a sense of space that defines who we are and how we behave, and others can feel it. The best part is: While you may not be able to control being at the beach, you can control your personal space.

Here are some things you can do to enhance the energy in your personal space – and by extension – improve the impact you have on others.

Be Nice

Always be nice. You never know what someone is going through. You could be the very one that makes a difference in someone else’s life. Putting others at ease while in your space is the first step to being kind. A few simple things that you could do include giving compliments, saying, “Please” and “Thank you” and even extending kind gestures. These are just a few things that can go a long way to make someone feel good.


Smiling is one of the easiest ways to making people feel comfortable in your presence. It’s the clearest way for others to know that you are receptive to interaction. Make sure your smile is genuine and natural…there’s nothing creepier than a forced fake smile. Most importantly, be aware of your overall facial expressions as certain looks can cause others to misconstrue the person that you really are.

Good Vibes

“Your vibe attracts your tribe.” Having a good vibe will keep people attracted to your space while having a bad vibe with keep people away from your space. Those attracted will be an indication that you are giving-off good energy causing them to want to be in your space. So be sure to project a pleasant and comfortable vibe. 

Have open body language

There’s a huge difference in how people feel around you who have closed-off body language versus those who are more open. People with open body language make good eye contact, turn towards you while talking and seem comfortable and relaxed. Closed body language typically takes the form of crossed arms and little to no eye contact. Having open body language serves as a strong signal of welcoming others into your space.

Actually listen

Nothing feels worse than trying to chat with someone and the other person is not paying attention to you. If you do this then make it a point to stop. The person you are speaking to should feel like they are the most important person during their time with you. Making eye contact and smiling when appropriate are a couple of ways to show that you are indeed listening.

Now challenge yourself. Take the steps to enhance the energy around you. Take control of your space…you are responsible for your space. Be the creator of it…rule the air!

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